
At Climate Justice International Africa, we believe that, Africa, like the rest of the World is in a global environmental and climatic crisis. The impact is real and is being felt all over the World especially across the vulnerable communities. The rising levels of anthropogenic greenhouse gases have contributed greatly to this scourge. Nations and local people are working towards adaptation and mitigating efforts of minimizing Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) emissions, especially emissions related to marine degradation.

We believe that healthy ecosystems can reduce the negative impacts of climate change. The Western Indian Ocean region in Africa, communities are hard-pressed by the emerging negative impact of climate change and hence, there is need for climate change adaptation strategies. Analysis of coastal climate change adaptation requires combining environmental and resource economics with other disciplines. Sea level rise, ocean warming and acidification, and increased storminess threaten to alter or intensify biophysical coastal changes. We strive to empower the coastal community on climate change adaptation.


At Climate Justice International, this is what we do:images2

  • We advise on blue carbon conservation strategies and approaches for payment for ecosystem services towards mitigation of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from human activities
  • We advocate against degradation of coastal and marine ecosystems that consequently threatens the physical, economic and food security of local communities, as well as resources for global businesses
  • We carry out science and innovation that informs sporadic changes in oceanic circulation and chemistry, rising sea levels, increased storm intensity, as well as changes in the diversity and abundance of marine species
  • We build coastal community resilience, knowledge and engagement base for adaptation action to climate change
  • We guide on climate change related legal decision making approaches for coastal communities
  • We produce reliable data and information for coastal hazard assessment, disaster management and adaptation planning
  • We advise on sustainable and ecofriendly engineering solutions for coastal infrastructure especially on dredging of Lamu port

Call for Support

We call upon environmental conservationists, well-wishers and like-minded donors to support this great initiative. Consider supporting us through the provided links below.

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