War and violence disrupts peace and harmony. Terrorism - Alshabab, piracy and organized crimes are just but a few emerging challenges of insecurities in the horn of Africa. There is already an existing security crisis along the LAPSSET corridor in Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan. Maritime insecurity has also escalated with attacks from criminals and terrorists on ports, offshore installations and ships and on land. These attacks are showing increased innovation and sophistication endangering crew, ships, cargo, marine life and other investments.
There exists crucial link between social-economic growths along the LAPSSET and maritime security along Western Indian Ocean. There is a continued need to confront these insecurities, in addition to other forms of maritime crime, such as smuggling of migrants, trafficking in arms and environmental dumping.
- To empower vulnerable communities on matters security management, environmental peacemaking and maritime security management processes along the LAPSSET and Western Indian Ocean corridor
- To identify and assesse current and emerging peace and security threats and examine efforts played in peacebuilding processes
- To equip conflict-affected communities with conflict management skills and generate “Memorandums of Peace” for cooperation on coastal resources conflicts
- To advocate for environmental dialogue and cooperation in creating more peaceful communities
- We identify cross border communities and utilizes their mutual dependence on shared coastal resources as a basis for developing dialogue and cooperation on sustainable coastal management
- To coordinate public awareness, peaceful coexistence and commitment to preservation of coastal resources
- To enhance coastal security intelligence by liaising with community and security agencies
- To conduct research, disseminate information and organize capacity building workshops to communities and governments within the marked countries
Call for Support
We call upon environmental conservationists, well-wishers and like-minded donors to support this great initiative. Consider supporting us through the provided links below